
Showing posts from December, 2018

She Says I Do Not Love Her - Catholic Love

She Says I Do Not Love Her - Catholic Love 14 february 2008 jp no way to find you hear you read you no hotel phone answers no cell phone reception no text to read imagined hollowness of the lover spurned empty stomach ignorance swirling my heart a gut ache emotional maelstrom because absence wonders whose body is yours with a physical body perhaps a laughing one over wine but not mine if you were not to come home, molly would you easily forget there is warmth to be beside us in voices and company and friends and willingness to join indoors out from the cold come join us home but if I, leopold, could not come home would i forget or was my love a memory before i forgot just a need biology guilt sin sickness in a creed of catholic myth.

Waiting for Another Day

Waiting for Another Day 14 february 2012 jp waiting for another day you’ve travelled so i listen cat snoring on the bed dog snuffling on its mat house sleeping creaks crack pop sssss in the wood stove soft snow today maybe a hand deep where cars clunked and crashed your mom came home white knuckled you do the rest of the driving today, she said soft snow led to whiteness wherein i walked the dog at the arboretum and met a gentleman painter who walked like and felt like and said like he was tired while our dogs snapped at each other around us in whirled blurs of tails and legs and fur dinner was kale and almonds fat fruit avocado they call it mashed long windedly quacamoleeeee little orange beans mushed they call it fancy soft off the tongue dahl white kernels of asian paradise du riz du riz du riz two young boys home from social life on snow covered hills half their lunches bundled into the fridge ...

She Says I Do Not Love Her - Line Dropped

She Says I Do Not Love Her - Line Dropped 14 february 2016 jp somewhere hiding in all the things you do when the coffee grinder roars and i am still sleeping when you pull up in the car jump out and smile and lighten the sun inside my soul such sweet… hello? hello? hello? line dropped… i guess… she says i do not love her.

Post Industrial Woman

Post Industrial Woman 1993 jp oh child.  she is going to get a job. she is going to taste success. she is going to climb. oh happiness! oh drive! oh power! oh woman! YES! kiss me, hold me, touch me, make love to me, oh she cries oh man crushed in her arms and through cacophony those words ringing in her ears she denies lip bitten so in silence horrible rush of emptiness, risk's an impossibility, to give up, to flesh, her womb, wet seeping from her loins amidst writhing heat in darkness she turns her head and cries