Waiting for Another Day

jp melville, garden, ottawa, canada

Waiting for Another Day
14 february 2012

waiting for another day
you’ve travelled
i listen

cat snoring on the bed
dog snuffling on its mat
house sleeping creaks
crack pop sssss in the wood stove

soft snow today maybe a hand deep
where cars clunked and crashed
your mom came home white knuckled
you do the rest of the driving today, she said

soft snow led to whiteness
wherein i walked the dog at the arboretum
and met a gentleman painter
who walked like and felt like and said like he was tired
while our dogs snapped at each other around us in whirled blurs of tails and legs and fur

dinner was kale and almonds
fat fruit avocado they call it mashed long windedly quacamoleeeee
little orange beans mushed they call it fancy soft off the tongue dahl
white kernels of asian paradise du riz du riz du riz

two young boys home from social life on snow covered hills
half their lunches bundled into the fridge
tales of fries and poutine
when asked how many times down the hill ‘don no’
to bed straight away
their sister already sleeping already two floors above

lights out

fire stoked

dog sighs

cat snores

i breath deep through my nostrils testing the dry air
deep into stretching lungs
read my words
read your words
think remembering
thought as colour of the snow white day
thought with car crashes and grandma’s white knuckles
thought remains still
now my mind slipping into sleep
that all is what it is with this world that’s all is what it is

… another side of day drifts in …

i heard more women and men died today
in ukraine
soldiers some protesters some
flames and fire and battle shields in roman formation
blood lust up
home many loins wet tonight
adrenaline and violence so tightly knit in the same cocoon

… and drifts out …

i draw in a deep breath, slipping through my nostrils
dry rush of fresh snow memory in my sinus and lungs
sniffing the scent
of all is just what it is this world

and with that in mind
ready to bed
to read
to sleep
emptiness without you


waiting for another day.


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