Small Things on Waiting for the Doctor - That You Were Are Will Be Uniquely You
Small Things on Waiting for the Doctor That You Were Are Will Be Uniquely You Love Poem 26 July 2017 jp melville Observing from the outside looking in, Knowing I am on the inside looking out, I suspect that we the Other, those whom we do not know Always distant, external, objects to our kinship souls As a stranger in strange lands As a diner in a restaurant As a patient waiting in a hospital clinic All around my person people whom I will never really know. We pass in place and time, shared breathing space Purposes beyond divergent interests Gaps of a hand width between our bodies only measurable in astronomic time I will never know the person of the man, sleeping in his chair, sitting across from me Any more than I will know the hawker on the street below my apartment in Cotonou. Begs the question of whom do I know, Measured in time together, shared bodies sweating together in gentle rocking-coupling, Shared l...