Small Things on Waiting for the Doctor - That You Were Are Will Be Uniquely You
Love Poem
26 July 2017
jp melville
Observing from the outside looking in,
Knowing I am on the inside looking out,
I suspect that we the Other, those whom we do not know
Always distant, external, objects to our kinship souls
As a stranger in strange lands
As a diner in a restaurant
As a patient waiting in a hospital clinic
All around my person people whom I will never really know.
We pass in place and time, shared breathing space
Purposes beyond divergent interests
Gaps of a hand width between our bodies only measurable
in astronomic time
I will never know the person of the man, sleeping in his
chair, sitting across from me
Any more than I will know the hawker on the street below
my apartment in Cotonou.
Begs the question of whom do I know,
Measured in time together, shared bodies sweating
together in gentle rocking-coupling,
Shared language and talk, or common habits like working
from nine to five,
What would I know of that person that could not be
exchanged for another?
Might be that I know them as an archetype
She fusses to arrange social connections, evenings out,
networks of affirmation
Telling her “I am in this world because of you”
She sighs whispers words of pleasure encouraging deeper
in more more pleasure oh my god
We all do we not enjoy desire?
She awaits my attention, always younger than I, expecting
that I will listen
Offer of affirmation, yes meaning purpose her path in life
though unknown
Offer of affirmation, yes even in not knowing that
purpose and meaning are there
Could be just friendship I offer, yes she once acknowledged for just moments in our togetherness
Jocular words “You never know” or “Could be” or “Aren’t
they all like that though”
These words never enough, fear and self doubt override
compassion companionship
Loneliness rages, cut from the umbilical cord and the
child no longer hers the moment each was born
Then tears down her man in rivulets of screams.
Could be I was born in San Antonio or Accra or Chengdu
My friends my family my superiors my strangers would all
be the same
Would they not?
After all treat me like I am just the man
Then the I that is me never mattered.
Maybe there was a way to get to know you
Acknowledging that your non-uniqueness your sameness can
only be the one you
Could have abstracted myself from the relationship, just
watched, listened, and cared
Because my I interfered with my attention to your you
And if time was truly infinite I would have had the time to
get to know
Only through my infinite attention to only you, the you
who you were are will be.
Not now with your absence, permanent eternal in appointed exile
I will never have the chance to know that you
Now only in my attention to another, through a mirror of mirage
Through the falsehood of comparison
Will I now never discover
That you were are will be uniquely you.
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