Losar Lhasa Tibet 2000 jp melville just listening to gg vikey Benin musician who disappeared inside himself have spent this saturday visiting with various people in their homes, eating food, drinking butter tea losar not much unlike Christmas exclude commerce and vanity of consumption so family, friends, food, timelessness like a dream i once had deja vu i n a moment of silence a young girl starts talking about her grandfather, his death, his reincarnation only myself listening, and a young woman working for the future generations folk translating in empty spaces a story from nowhere a monastery, fallen into disrepair somewhere far away, a gap through which the nuns can no longer pass... then new guests arrive more food meat the girl there gone for me, losar started three nights ago, in Tsetang, shared soup, toasts, songs, all around a wood stove a tibetan house the following night here in this hotel, w...