All At Once 1984

jp melville, elora, ontario, canada, poems, writing, business development

All At Once 1984
september 1984
jp melville

Beneath this azure inverted plain
Our sky my sky her sky;
We have sound awakening to the dawn:
Her voice on the phone talking, wandering travels…
She there downstairs, the stillness, birds, and careful listening
Somewhere far away the highway drifts sounds beckons a mile away
She turns her eyes to the windows,
Turns to listen…
Birds chirrup, footsteps grind in gravel driveway,
Tractor rumbles warming to work,
Horse snorts, whinnies
And distant far far far…. clack metal wheels a train to nowhere…
Goodbye in whispers, she hangs up the phone…
All about her stillness in the house downstairs
Coolness, quiet, wooden floors, coral coloured walls
Dry crisp air alive, with morning light,
Two dogs she wakes, calls them:
“Roo! Roo! Lara! Lara!”
Her hips slide through the rooms the dining room, the kitchen
To a sink, a mirror
To see herself
To brush her teeth, she watches her eyes her own…

I lie in bed wrapped in sheet
On my stomach
I hold my bare calves and feet behind me
Rub them together while I write…
The sunlight reaches just to tips of treetops hardly yet
A roar drives by in distant fields
And nearby someone pittering, puttering about outside
Workers us me you them she all of us but not today
For today, my knee cracks
And she watches almond eyes in the mirror, all gone still…

What is beautiful to me?
Of her in my home, her home…
Her face, her hands, her voice, her almond eyes
To which I see
To which I hear…
We beneath this morning’s azure sky
There, here, she there, me here
Dream-scape, moment-scape
Our sky inverted plane, our fields our barns our home
All at once beneath this morning’s azure sky.


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